What’s The Difference Between 2G Vs. 3G Orangetheory? Customised Workout Plan

To improve overall fitness and calorie burn, many people are turning to Orangetheory Fitness, a renowned fitness programme that mixes cardio and strength training. Workouts are planned to maintain people in specific heart rate zones to maximise calorie burn and post-exercise oxygen intake, often known as the “afterburn effect.” The afterburn effect refers to the elevated metabolic rate that persists in the body after an intensive physical exertion has ended. 

The science-based methodology and inspiring group environment, like Orange Everest at Orangetheory Fitness, have contributed to the program’s meteoric popularity. The following is an in-depth look at the What’s The Difference Between 2G Vs. 3G Orangetheory, their exercises, customised plan, benefits and much more.

Orange Theory Exercise

Orangetheory Fitness’s core features must be understood before delving into the variations between 2G and 3G routines.

Heart Rate-Based Workouts

During an Orangetheory exercise, participants’ heart rates are monitored using wrist-worn devices. In heart rate-based workouts, heart rates are shown on displays in real time, allowing players to monitor their exertion and ensure they remain within predetermined zones.

Five Zones of Heart Rate

Grey (50-60% of maximal heart rate), Blue (61-60%), Green (71-30%), Orange (84-91%), and Red (92-100%) are the five heart rate zones defined by Orangetheory Fitness. Most of your workout time should be spent in the Green and Orange zones, representing a tough but maintainable level of effort.

Interval Workout

Workouts under the OrangeTheory follow the interval training model like Orangetheory 3×3 Specialty Workout, which consists of bursts of high-intensity effort followed by active recovery or lower-intensity work.

What’s The Difference Between 2G Vs. 3G Orangetheory

 2G Orange Theory Exercises

2G refers to “2 Group” exercises. Participants in 2G Orangetheory sessions are split into two major groups and rotate between many exercise stations. Here is a rundown of the many 2G exercises:

Treadmill Station

One set of people starts by running or power walking on the treadmills. The intervals in pace and inclination that the coach prescribes are meant to maintain the trainees within the desired heart rate ranges.

Rowing Facility

The other half of the gym begins its cardio workouts on rowing machines. Rowing is a great cardiovascular workout since it engages several muscle groups simultaneously.

Floor Station/Weight Room

Both groups eventually go to a floor or weight room station, where they engage in strength training utilising their body weight in addition to conventional weights and specialised tools like dumbbells and TRX suspended trainers. Only new and latest tools and equipment are used, and every orangetheory lover is confused Why Is Orangetheory Getting Rid Of Ab Dolly?

Blocks and Switches

Participants perform alternating sets of exercises at the floor station while also using the treadmill and rowing machines. The coach plans the exercises to ensure they hit all the major muscle groups.

3G Orange Theory Exercises

3G refers to “3 Groups” exercises, in contrast to “2G” exercises. Compared to 2G exercises, 3G sessions accommodates more people and have an extra station. 3G exercises often follow this format:

Treadmill Station

The first part of the workout for one group consists of cardiovascular training on treadmills, similar to 2G.


Similar to the 2G model, another group gets started on rowing machines with full-body cardio.

Workout Area/Floor Station

More people use strength training at once in 3G exercises since there are two floor or weight room stations instead of one.

Blocks and Switches

Participants move between stations like they would during a 2G workout. There may be more rapid and frequent station changes now that three groups are involved.

Aspect2G Orangetheory Workout (2 Group)3G Orangetheory Workout (3 Group)
Number of Groups23
StationsTreadmill, Rowing, Floor/Weight RoomTreadmill, Rowing, Two Floor/Weight Room Stations
Switching and BlocksParticipants switch between treadmill and rowing stations, complete exercises at floor stationParticipants switch between stations; more frequent and faster-paced transitions
Intensity and EnergyGenerally high intensity; group dynamic motivatingHigher intensity due to more participants; energetic and competitive atmosphere
Class AvailabilityAvailable at various studios based on scheduleAvailability may vary depending on studio location and schedule
PreferenceIntimate setting with longer station blocksLarger group setting with quick transitions and multiple floor stations
Motivation and SupportMotivation from coach and group camaraderieSupport and challenge from larger group setting
Workout ExperienceBalanced mix of cardio and strength exercisesHigher energy and dynamic workout experience

New Difficulties

More people working out at once and quicker transitions give 3G workouts their reputation for greater intensity. Participants anticipate a more animated and social atmosphere. Timing also play a key role, so that’s why you need to know OrangeTheory Class Timestable.

2G Orangetheory Customized Fitness Plan

During a 2G Orangetheory workout, participants go between the treadmill, the rowing machine, and the floor/weight room station in a randomised order. A 2G Orangetheory routine is as follows:

Warm-up (5 Minutes):

Get the blood pumping and the muscles loosened up with a dynamic warm-up incorporating leg swings, arm circles, high knees, and butt kicks.

Treadmill interval (12 Minutes):

  • Get your heart rate up with a 2-minute jog or brisk walk at a moderate speed.
  • Depending on your fitness level, speed up the treadmill and run for 2 minutes straight at a difficult pace.
  • Take a 1-minute stroll break to gather your thoughts.
  • 2 more times through the running and walking intervals, trying to improve your running speed somewhat each time.
  • The final minute should be spent sprinting to reach the Orange or Red heart rate zone.

Rowing interval (12 Minutes):

  • To get the blood flowing and the muscles warmed up, row steadily for 3 minutes.
  • Using a rowing machine, complete 5 sets of 150 metres with 30 seconds of rest between each.
  • In each rowing sprint, focus on a powerful leg push and a hard pull with your arms.
  • To recover after the sprints, row at a steady tempo for 2 minutes.

Floor/weight room block (12 Minutes):

Complete the following workout circuit as many times as possible (between 12 and 15 times):

  • Goblet Kettlebell squats
  • Standard or modified push-ups (on knees or toes, as preferred).
  • Rows with a Bent Over Dumbbell
  • Bodyweight Suspended Lunges or TRX

Plank with shoulder taps (5-minute cooldown):

After your workout is complete, spend 5 minutes cooling down by stretching your major muscle groups with static holds of 20-30 seconds.

2G Orangetheory Customized Fitness Plan

Treadmill, rowing machine, and two stations located on the floor or in the weight room make up the three primary components of a 3G Orangetheory exercise. Get in shape with this 3G Orangetheory routine!

Warm-up (5 Minutes):

Start with an active warm-up, like the 2G warm-up, to get the blood pumping and the muscles ready to work.

Treadmill Workout Block (10 Minutes):

  • Start your treadmill workout with a 2-minute warm-up jog or brisk stroll.
  • Sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds to get your heart rate into the Orange or Red zone.
  • Refresh with a quick 30-second stroll.
  • The sprint-and-walk intervals should be repeated 4 more times with increased intensity.

Rowing interval (10 Minutes):

  • To get into the swing of things, row at a steady tempo for 2 minutes.
  • Take 15 seconds of rest between each set of four 200-meter rowing sprints.
  • Keep your tempo constant and focus on making forceful strokes.
  • To recover after the sprints, row at a steady tempo for 2 minutes.

Floor/Weight Room Block (10 Minutes):

Try to complete 10-12 reps of each of the following exercises in a circuit first-floor setting:

  • Squats using a barbell or a goblet
  • Alternating Dumbbell Snatches with a Push Press on a Barbell or Dumbbells
  • Exercises on the Bench or in the Box
  • Medicine Ball Slam 

Floor/weight room block (12 Minutes):

Do the following circuit training activities on the second-floor station:

  • Doing Romanian Deadlifts with a Bar or Weights
  • Squats with a barbell
  • Bicycle Crunches, TRX Rows, and Kettlebell Swings make up the 5-minute cool down.
  • Static stretches for the major muscle groups, held for 20-30 seconds, should be part of the final 5 minutes of your workout.

Remember that these training routines are only suggestions that may be modified to match your needs and preferences, regardless of your current fitness level or objectives. A personal trainer or Orangetheory instructor may help you develop an exercise routine that is right for you.

Customized 2G Orangetheory Workout

Warm-Up5 minutesDynamic warm-up (leg swings, arm circles, etc.)
Treadmill Block12 minutes– 2-minute jog or brisk walk
– 2 minutes of challenging running pace
– 1-minute walking recovery
– Repeat running and walking intervals 2 more times
– 1-minute all-out sprint
Rowing Block12 minutes– 3-minute row at a moderate pace
– 5 sets of 150-meter rowing sprints (30s rest)
– 2-minute steady-state row
Floor/Weight12 minutes– Circuit format with 5 exercises (12-15 reps)
Room Block– Goblet Squats, Push-Ups, Bent-Over Rows,
TRX Lunges, Plank Shoulder Taps
Cool Down5 minutesStatic stretches for major muscle groups (20-30s)

Customized 3G Orangetheory Workout

Warm-Up5 minutesDynamic warm-up (leg swings, arm circles, etc.)
Treadmill Block10 minutes– 2-minute jog or brisk walk
– 30 seconds all-out sprint
– 30 seconds walking recovery
– Repeat sprint and walk intervals 4 more times
Rowing Block10 minutes– 2-minute steady-state row
– 4 sets of 200-meter rowing sprints (15s rest)
– 2-minute steady-state row
Floor/Weight10 minutes– Circuit format with 5 exercises (10-12 reps)
Room Block– Barbell/Goblet Squats, Push Press,
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, Bench/Box Jumps,
Medicine Ball Slams
Additional10 minutes– Second floor station with additional exercises
Floor/Weight– Romanian Deadlifts, Dumbbell Chest Press,
Room BlockTRX Rows, Kettlebell Swings, Bicycle Crunches
Cool Down5 minutesStatic stretches for major muscle groups (20-30s)

Choosing Between Orangetheory’s 2G and 3G Programmes

Whether you choose a 2G or 3G Orangetheory class depends on your tastes, fitness objectives, and prefered training environment. Here are some things to consider when you weigh the pros and downs of each format:

Size of Class

There are fewer students in 2G sessions, so you get more one-on-one time with the instructor. Conversely, 3G exercises are more suitable if you do better in a high-energy, motivating group setting.

Switching Frequency

2G workouts are more to your liking if you want to spend more time at each station performing targeted activities. However, if you thrive in an environment with frequent novelty and change, 3G lessons are for you.

Level of Intensity

Workouts in 2G and 3G are just as taxing and demanding. However, since more students are in a 3G class, there is typically more incredible excitement and rivalry. Workouts in a 3G environment are  more enticing if you love a challenging extra push and thrive in a dynamic setting.


Different Orangetheory locations may or may not offer 2G and 3G courses. You must review the schedule and choose which format best suits your desired exercise hours. Also, the waitlist matrices must be known, so look at How Does OrangeTheory Waitlist Work? 2023 Code Broken!!!

A 2G Workout is Prefered If…
  • You’re the type who feels most comfortable in small groups.
  • You need more uninterrupted time at each machine to give your whole attention to each workout.
  • You use the floor for strength training in addition to the treadmill and rowing for cardiovascular exercise.
A 3G Workout is Prefered If…
  • You thrive in dynamic, inspiring, and motivating large groups.
  • You do best with ever-changing workouts.
  • You want to train your muscles harder, so you’re on the hunt for an intense exercise that uses a variety of floor stations to target specific muscle areas.
Benefits of 2G ClassesBenefits of 3G Classes
More time on the treadmill:Shorter workout:
– Burn more calories– Ideal if you are short on time
– Improve cardiovascular fitness– Suitable for beginners looking for a less intense workout
More exercise variety:More focus on strength training:
– Target different muscle groups– Build muscle and improve overall strength
– Avoid boredom
More space:More social:
– Have more room to move around– Workout in a more social environment with more participants
– Enjoy working out with others

Which Best Suits Your Needs?

Your preferences and fitness objectives will determine your preferred Orangetheory class format. You might like a 2G class if you are new to exercise or want to push yourself. A 3G class may be more appealing if you’re short on time or want to put more emphasis on strength training.


All fitness abilities and interests are accommodated at Orangetheory Fitness, which offers efficient, science-based exercises. The number of participants and exercise stations makes What’s The Difference Between 2G Vs. 3G Orangetheory. Any workout, whether 2G or 3G workout aims to improve cardiovascular fitness and strength via a challenging yet pleasurable exercise experience. Whatever type of fitness class you decide to take, long-term success depends on your dedication and consistency.

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